Temperature Hint for the Best Prime Rib Roast Recipe

Best prime rib roast recipe
Best prime rib roast recipe

If you are looking for the best prime rib roast recipe, you just come to the right place. This recipe is not so hard to follow. Along with the ingredients and instructions, you can get to know some tricks behind the perfect prime rib roast. Here it is.


  • 5 pounds of beef prime rib
  • Salt, as you like
  • 2 tsp of ground black pepper
  • 2 tsp of rosemary
  • 1 tsp of thyme
  • ¼ cup of olive oil
  • 8 cloves of minced garlic
  • Horseradish (this one is for serving and only an optional choice, you can nix it if you do not want it)

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Let’s begin by removing the prime rib at least an hour before cooking. Prepare the salt and use it to season all sides. Cover it with plastic wrap loosely until it is the same as room temperature. For your information, prime rib roast will taste even better if it is let equally in the room temperature.
  2. Preheat the oven in 500 degrees F. While waiting, just make the seasoning. Mix the salt, rosemary, pepper, garlic, thyme, and olive oil.
  3. Back to the roast, pat it with paper towels. Spread the seasonings all over the sides. In a roasting pan, place the roast with its bone down.
  4. Then, bake the rib at 500 degrees for approximately 15 minutes. After that, lower the temperature to 325 degrees and continue to bake it. The estimated time depends on how you desired to have the rib done. Here is the note for the best prime rib roast recipe:
  • Rare: cook for about 10 up to 12 minute (per pound of the rib)
  • Medium rare: cook for about 13 up to 14 minute (per pound of the rib)
  • Medium: cook for about 14 up to 15 minute (per pound of the rib)
  • Medium well: cook for about 16 up to 17 minute (per pound of the rib)
  1. After that, remove the rib from oven and let it sit for about 30 minutes.
  2. Slice and serve it with horseradish if you would like to.

For additional tips in this best prime rib roast recipe, you can also use a meat thermometer to make sure you can get the prime rib perfect doneness as you like. For the simple guide, here is the list: rare (120 degrees F), medium rare (130 degrees F), medium (140 degrees F), and medium well (150 degrees F).


Besides, you also need to know that the meat will continue being cooked after you take it off from the oven. It is due to the heat it has once when it is in the oven. Therefore, you may see the thermometer continue to rise for about 5 up to 10 degrees. Therefore, make sure you remove the rib 5 up to 10 degrees before it reaches the optimal temperature. By following these tips, you will get the best prime rib roast recipe result for sure.